Jun 24

latin1转utf8方法(中英文版) 多云

, 08/06/24 19:01 , 技术开发 » 数据库 , 评论(0) , 引用(0) , 阅读(5466) , Via 本站原创 | |

latin1 to UTF-8 in MySQL
Since MySQL 4.1, UTF-8 is the default charset. If you have an old database, containing data encoded in latin1, and you want upgrade to a newer MySQL server, than you have to do the following:

MySQL dump

First of all, we need to dump the old data into a file.

Code: Create a MySQL dump  
$ mysqldump -h host.com --user=frog -p --default-character-set=latin1 -c \
--insert-ignore --skip-set-charset dbname > dump.sql

Please mention, that you have to replace the user, the host and the dbname, otherwise it will result in an error :)

Convert dump

Next thing to do is, converting the characters in the MySQL dump from latin1 to UTF-8

Code: Convert dump  
$ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 dump.sql > dump_utf8.sql

If you have another source charset, you need to replace the -f option with your local character set.

Drop and create

Now it's time to drop the old database and create a new one with UTF-8 support.

Code: Drop and Create  
$ mysql --user=frog -p --execute="DROP DATABASE dbname;
CREATE DATABASE dbname CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;"

(MySql seems to recommend utf8_unicode_ci over utf8_general_ci for 5.1+, see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/de/charset-unicode-sets.html)

Import dump to databse

Last but not least, we need to import the converted data back to the new database.

Code: Import dump  
$ mysql --user=frog --max_allowed_packet=16M -p --default-character-set=utf8 dbname < dump_utf8.sql
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